I finally moved to TASMANIA! (even though it has been like almost 3 months)
I still cannot believe it. After spending 4 years in Perth, Western Australia, graduated with Science degree and now moving on to postgraduate study Medical Lab Science in University of Tasmania in Launceston.
Time flies. I have been here in Launceston for almost 3 months. I remember the first day I touched down here in this little town back in July during winter. Man... it was freezing down here comparing to cozy Perth in Western Australia.
Thank you for those who sent me to airport (John, Joyce, Brian n Dummy) I really really appreciate that! I was so moved =) Thank you for coming to meet me early in the morning Zen. I honestly felt bad for it. And congratz for graduating, sorry for unable to attend your graduation. (Actually I dont know when). Thank you for picking me up from the airport too!
So many thing happened throughout these time. I started a new life. I flew to Melbourne to picked up my car and sailing with my car to Tasmania! THANK YOU AUNTY SARAH AND UNCLE GERALD! Thank you my old trusty friend Ah John n Edith for taking care of my car and sent my car to the station! I owe you guys alot! and CONGRATZ Ah John for finding a new job! I am very very very happy for you and Edith! I don't know why but I am really really glad about it!
I made new friends here in Tasmania. I learnt to do everything myself. I celebrated my 22nd Birthday alone on mid-sem exam, I become lactose intolerance, and so on. I learnt to survive alone =)
A lot of the time I realise that I haven't talk for a few days. Especially during the weekend! I spent alot of my time study on bed (coz its damn cold here).
I don't know what to expect but I really really hope that I can be more outgoing and a lot of the time I tend to be shy. I want to have broader social life! I want to know more friends from different background and culture.
Hopefully everything can go well =)